Wednesday, September 9, 2009

up down and all around ohio

Since Spain, I've been all around Ohio for the past month. As soon as I returned, I went with my mom, boyfriend, and little sister to visit Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio. It's a very small town, but it has a really cute and charming school. It has a pond on the campus, and we saw lots of ducks and a black swan in the pond. We got to stay in a really nice suite in the hotel owned by the University. The drive to Ada isn't so fun, but it's really cute when you get there.
The next weekend, I went with my mom, dad, and little sister to another college for a visit. This one was called Shawnee University, and it's in Appalachia, right on the Ohio River across from Kentucky. It is a really small town too, but a cute University. Their dorms also all have bathrooms and kitchens which was really nice. We got to stay in a nice suite there, too, because they had booked us by mistake in a one-bed hotel. The ride there was 4 hours long, and on the way back to Parma, we got to eat at a Sonic. Since then, Parma has gotten it's own Sonic, but it's really crowded because everyone wants to eat there.
This past weekend, I went local to see the air show on the lake in Cleveland. The air show was really cool with a bunch of different planes doing tricks. We also got to tour a few fighter jets brought there by the military. They also have yummy carnival food. One air plane was a pirate jet, and the pirate lady stood on the wing of the plane while doing poses. It looked really dangerous but was pretty sweet. There was parachuters that jumped out of the Army plane and propelled themselves with colored smoke. It was really pretty because they used pink smoke. There were various planes that did tricks flying upside-down and straight up too. The coolest plane actually broke the sound barrier! It can also hover in place, kind of like a UFO. Watching the planes was my favorite part of the show.
My next trip outside the state will be to Manhattan. That will be more exciting than staying local!