Monday, October 19, 2009


This past weekend, I went to Manhattan in NYC. We took a one day trip there by sleeping on a charter bus on the way there overnight, spending the next day in the city, and sleeping on the way back home. It was a lot of fun! It is really hard to sleep the first night on the bus, but on the way back home, it's really easy to sleep because you're so exhausted.
When we got there, we went straight to Canal Street in Chinatown. This street has a lot of small shops run by Chinese people and they sell really good knock off purses and jewelry by expensive brands. The knock-offs look so real, and when I carry the purse, nobody can tell that it is a fake. They have all kinds of brands, including Coach, Prada, Juicy, Tiffany's, Versace, Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and more than I can think of. Just make sure you ask for these brands when you go in the shops, because they are usually in a back room.
After Chinatown, we went to battery park near the Statue of Liberty. It is tough to get tickets for the Statue on Saturdays, because you cannot order them online but you have to buy the tickets when you get there. To get a closer look at the Statue, though, we took the free ferry to Staten Island. The ferry passes right by the Statue of Liberty as it's going to Staten Island and we got some really nice pictures of it without having to pay money to see it.
Next, we went to Pinkberry, a frozen yogurt store that my sisters and I have been wanting to try. It was really good, I wish we had one in Ohio. It had four flavors of frozen yogurt, original, pomegranate, passion fruit, and coconut. You can add all kinds of toppings on your yogurt, like fresh pineapple, strawberries, mango, kiwi, blueberries, raspberries, and more. Non-fruit toppings include granola, chocolate chips or shavings, coconut, captain crunch, and more. I got a parfait which includes the yogurt, granola, and three fruits of my choice. It was different than anything I have ever tasted and was really good.
We went to this very big Victoria's Secret next. It had so much stuff that I have never seen at my home VS store. We didn't end up buying anything, but we played with the makeup samples for a while. We all did our eyes and put on lip gloss. I tried to put mascara on my boyfriend, but he wasn't being any fun.
For lunch, we went to California Pizza Kitchen. We got a few pizzas to share.
For a little dessert, we went to Dylan's candy shop, which was right next door. For a dollar, you could dip a food item of your choice into their chocolate fountain. I chose to dip a rice crispy treat, but they also had marshmallows, pretzels, and some other things. Also, they had a candy bar taste challenge where you tried a sample of a few candy bars and tried to guess which flavor it was. Me and Kevin tried, and we both missed the last one.
Then, we went to 5th Avenue. We stopped in FAOShwarz, a famous toy store. It has really big stuffed animals, intricate doll houses, costumes, candy, and a lot of other interactive games that you can play with. When you enter, a toy soldier greets you, and they talk very properly. When you leave they say things like "goodbye now" or "thanks for visiting" or "come again" really articulately. We also stopped at the Tiffany's on 5th Avenue. The people were very polite there, and it was cool to see all their famous pieces.
We went to Rockefeller center next, and went into the NBC store. We saw all the ice skaters on their famous ice rink, and I think next year we will try to go ice skating there too.
Finally, we made our way to Times Square. On the way, we saw a Jamba Juice, another thing we've always wanted to try. I got a peach shake, Kevin got "Aloha Pineapple" and my sisters shared a pomegranate one. They let you add a boost for free too, like calcium, energy, vitamin C, and protein. The shakes are very healthy, and they even include on the menu how much calories they are. At Times Square, we ate dinner at Planet Hollywood. Since we were snacking all day, we just got salads or appetizers. They were still really good though. In previous years, we have gone through the different stores there, but this year we were running out of time to catch our bus, so we just paid for these bike carraiges to take us to the bus station.
We slept well on the ride home, and I cannot wait for next year to come so we can see more of the city.
Next, I believe I will be going to Frankenmueth, Michigan.