Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hay un amigo en mi

Today was one of the most wonderful Valentine's days I've ever had in my life, all thanks to my students. Actually, here, we call it "El día de amistad" or "friendship day." It's not about whether or not you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, it's about appreciating your friends and letting them know how much they mean to you. I wish it were more like that in the states, because based on many of the Facebook statuses I've seen today, people get hardcore depressed on this day because they don't have a significant other.
Anyways, Jenn and I started the day with our pink shirts on and jeans because we knew we would be getting Valentine's T-shirts from the school. We were so excited about them too because they would have the school's name on them. Besides the school name, they said "Let's paint a world of love" in Spanish. All the teachers and kids were wearing them and we got some pictures of us in them.
Next, there was an assembly for the whole school to make proclamations of peace and love as a school and also to share in some singing and music. It was awesome. We actually started with a prayer, which surprised me. They respect diversity but they also respect God and aren't afraid of offending people. The 4th graders got out their recorders and their teacher played the guitar and they sang a few songs for us. They were so good, and I video taped them, but my computer is being slow and won't upload the videos. Then, the cutest little autistic boy from one of my 6th grade classes got on stage to play his clarinet and sing. He can be a handful in class, but he sang and played with all his heart today. He played a tune in between verses of "Hay un amigo en mi" or "You've Got a Friend in Me" from ToyStory.

All of the teachers, even us student teachers, cried during this performance. It was just so touching to see his talent and to see him really singing from the heart. Afterwards, different students from the classes read proclamations of peace and it was so precious how the kindergarteners, who have trouble reading, had memorized their lines. They ended by everyone singing the Alma Mater and we went back to our classrooms.
In the classroom, we had a little party for the kids. They had "secret friends" to give gifts too so we went exchanging. The students had to get up and describe their secret friend so we could guess who it was. They said the sweetest things about each other, like how nice their secret friend was or smart or pretty. We all got in a circle to say nice things to each other and it was also a time to ask forgiveness from a friend you might've done wrong to. The teacher started by asking forgiveness from a few students she had been hard on and they hugged and kissed and made up. That's another thing here, you can hug and kiss the kids like they're your own. The teacher also spoke about the kids who represented the class the best and our class slogan the best of "equality." Then other students were able to say sorry to their friends, and one girl actually started crying because she had been mean. It was really sweet. We gave out Valentine's gifts to everyone and had cake. The game we played was really fun too. We taped a paper to everyone's back and everyone got a marker. You had to go around and write something nice on everyone's paper, and we played too. Afterwards, we got to read our papers and everyone got to feel special. My papers are hanging right about my desk right now. I'm going to miss them soo much when I leave.
Well, we did the same activity with the second class and they loved it as well. I got cake and plenty of chocolates so I am good to go. Today was just so full of love with them and my teacher was great. She bought us a teaching philosophy book in Spanish that she's actually published in. She signed it for us and everything.

Well tonight, a guy from campus asked to go out with Jenn, so to be safe, I'm going with her as a third wheel. So Valentine's night won't be too bad.

Have a beautiful Valentine's everyone! And if you don't have a significant other, be thankful for your friends and tell them how much you appreciate them or say sorry to someone you've wronged.

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