Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tiring Tico Travel Day

"Tico" is another word for "Costa Rican" here, just FYI...

So today I left beautiful Cleveland, OH for San José Costa Rica.
It's only 7 pm here, but I'm sooooo tired because that means its really 9 pm at home, and I got up at 5 am this morning.
We had a nice flight to Houston, TX and then had to run to the next gate and get right on our next flight to San José, CR. It all happened so fast! Just an FYI, United Airlines does not hand out free snacks, so when I ordered ginger ale, I asked to keep the whole can for myself. So there.

When we got to CR, we of course went to customs and I was able to have my first conversation with a Tico as I explained the reason of my visit. The guy was surprised I spoke Spanish, but I'm sure I'll get that a lot here. I'm not sure how many red heads live in CR...

Next, we took taxi's to the Tairona Inn where we will be staying for the night until tomorrow when our families pick us up. The Tairona Inn is called an "apartotel" which means it is a hotel that has rooms like an apartment does. It's kind of like a studio with a desk, TV, beds, a kitchen with fridge, stove, sink, and microwave, and then of course the bathroom.
---inside of the hotel, where the breakfast area is---
---our room---

We went to the mall for dinner. There are a lot of strange stores there that sell very bright things, kind of like there are a lot of Clair's and Spencer's and Hot Topics. I did see some clothing stores I liked, though, so I will be going there for some shopping.
They had some unique American stores, like this ice cream stand that only sells McDonald's desserts:

The food court had all the same American fast food places, but then some different chicken places, Mexican, Chinese, Pizza, Italian, and one place that was authentic CR food. Well, for whatever reason, when we were first looking for food, we didn't see the authentic place until after we ordered. So I ended up getting tacos al pastor, of course, at the Mexican place. They were very good, but there wasn't any hot sauce to make them spicy. It came with tortilla avocado soup, which was delicious, and a mango juice drink.

I was going to explore the town more after eating, but it's raining and I'm exhausted. Hopefully I have more exciting stories for you to come!

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