Saturday, December 26, 2009

First Day in Deustchland

Today, my sisters and I arrived in Germany. It took forever to get here. We had to take 3 flights with less than an hour in between them. We were in some really cool airports, but only got to walk through them because we needed to catch our next flight. The first flight, we all sat together and Jessica sat by a man who used to live in Germany, so she got to talk to him about how the country is. The second flight was 7 hours long, and Jessica then sat by a really weird guy who had nervous ticks, breathed really loudly, and had a hug bag of medications. He talked to us a little about Germany, but he was just weird. We watched a few movies each to pass the time. They have individual TV’s for everyone to entertain themselves. The last flight was only about an hour long, but we were delayed because it was snowing and our plane had to get cleaned off. We were in a normal sized airplane, but there were only like 10 people on the flight. Tiff and I fell asleep on the plane, and when we woke up we had some type of Swedish bread in front of us on our tables. I was confused because in the US, if you fall asleep when they’re passing out food, you don’t get any. Also during the flight I experienced the most turbulence I ever had, it was kind of scary.
To get to Landsberg we took the autobahn. Some parts of it don’t have speed limits so it was a pretty wild ride. There are also a lot of twists and turns on it which made us sea sick. Chris stopped at his gym so we could say hi to one of his friends, and we asked for water. They didn’t have any normal kind though, it was either the water with bubbles in it or flavored water from the tap. We got the flavored water, but I don’t see why they don’t just have normal water. We drove through Landsberg and it looked so cute with little shops, it kind of reminded me of a toy land.
We got to Chris’ flat which is pretty small. It has a common room, two bed rooms, 1.5 baths, and a kitchen. All the furniture in it looks like it’s from IKEA and is pretty chic. The flat was pretty gross at first because boys just live here, but we cleaned it a little after taking showers and a really long nap. We went out to a club with some of Chris’ friends during the night. The people here are really friendly and easy to talk to, and we met a lot of the people he has been hanging out with. We left the club early because Jess, Tiff and I are really tired.
Not much happened today, but I can’t wait to go into town and go in the little shops and later I think we’re going to visit a concentration camp.

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