Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We've Met our Teacher!

Oh Em Gee.
That's how I would describe our teacher. And this is OMG in a good way.

Ok, first things first. We e-mailed her last night to see what time to arrive at the school because the guy that picked us up at the airport kind of just dropped us off at our apartment and said "there's the school, there's the campus, down this road is some food, see you tomorrow."
When we got to the school, everyone greeted us and our teacher was so proud to have us there. She was so nice and had so much to say. She has such an awesome philosophy on education, I wish I could share everything she said, but some of her most important points were that conflict and mistakes are good things, because we learn from them. She told me that if I do something well, then that's great, and if I do it bad, then that's great too. She was sad to learn we wouldn't be there the whole semester and she's going to try to plan events for the times we are there so we can have more to experience. Jenn and I will be in charge of her 6th grade classes. We will be collaborating on lesson plans but will split the classes so that we teach the whole time for a period and then switch the next period. But all this school talk is nothing.

Tomorrow we will be attending the San Sebastian street festival in Old San Juan where my teacher lives. It's this crazy thing that millions of people go to and I have no idea what to expect. She invited us to stay in her house overnight, since the festival goes until all hours of the night. I'm so excited!!! Especially after being just dropped off like that yesterday, it was so refreshing to be invited into her home and to the festival with her.

After school, we shopped at Walgreens to get some stuff we needed and some food. After eating PB+J for lunch, we decided to walk around campus and most importantly, find the pool. We took pictures the whole way and found swimmers doing laps in the pool. The lifeguard said we could go swimming, but when I say I want to "swim" I really mean float around the pool soaking up sun, get out to tan, repeat. Hopefully the swim team rests a few days of the week. We found the track and decided we could jog there and we're going tomorrow. Even though it's 80 degrees, it's not too hot, there's a nice breeze to work out.

We found the subway here and the guard inside told us what bus to take to the beach. It's only 75cents so maybe we can donate 25 to any homeless person we see on the way. We got Quizno's after, which was soo good, I don't know why I don't ever go there in the States. I guess daylight saving's time is a curse everywhere because it got dark around 6 so we've just been in the apartment online and looking over student teaching stuff.

I just can't wait for the festival tomorrow! I will surely come back with stories to tell and hopefully only good things.

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