Thursday, July 3, 2014

Classes, museum, and anecdotes

It's been a while, but I feel super busy now that classes have started.
I'm taking Contemporary Latin American Literature and Gabriel García Márquez and Linguistics. Every night so far, we've had a lot to read, but I also want to see Costa Rica and communicate with my family. I enjoy the classes, just not the homework.
I also have to keep a journal in Spanish about my time here, which is a very "undergrad" type of assignment, so to show my protest, I'm keeping my journal as if I'm a prisoner here and the natives are trying to fatten me up for their feast. I can't wait to turn it in to my professor.

After class, we eat in a "soda" or the cafeteria that the university has. A soda is a café where they sell food that is quick and cheap. The cafeteria is also really cheap. The other day, I paid $4 for pork, plantains, rice, beans, salad, and a drink. The awesome thing is that both the sodas and cafeteria are run by the students who study nutrition, so all of the food is very healthy, except for the pop they sell.
Today, we ate at a café outside of the university that sells crepes, which were delicious. We sat outside on the patio which opened to a yard that had beautiful recycled art and a garden full of daisies, my favorite. Good thing the patio had an awning, though, because as we were eating there was a torrential downpour. It was over before we left and we were able to get home nice and dry.

On Tuesday, we went to the Museo Nacional that tells about Costa Rican history. This place interests me a lot because it used to be an old military fort, which is one of my favorite things to visit in other countries. There was some beautiful architecture and views from the building, although Costa Rica abolished the army in 1948.
After the museum, we went to an ice cream store, a chain here called Pops, and I had guanabana ice cream, but it was more like sorbet. It was all natural and guanabana is also a fruit that heals cells better than chemotherapy. I'm going to eat this fruit as much as I can while I'm here.

Today I spent doing homework in the kitchen because if I'm in my room, I'm more prone to fall asleep or just mess around on the computer. While I was down there, my housemate Judy gave me a 10 colones coin to take back to the states with me. I had it next to me when I was studying, and then had to go upstairs to get a book, so decided to take it with me to leave in my room. When I came downstairs, however, I still had it in my hand. After a while, I had to go back upstairs to get my computer and finally could put away my coin, but when I got back to the kitchen, I still had it with me. After I finished my homework, it was time to go to bed, so I grabbed all my things and my coin to head upstairs. I dropped my coin on the way to my room, so Harold, the son, finally said, "Ashley, I have a question for you... why do you keep carrying that coin around?" So I had to explain myself and how the coin is impossible to put down! I felt like a crazy person, and he must of thought so too. He thought it might have been for good luck, but it's just for my bad memory.

Tomorrow, I go back to the old capital, Cartago, to visit the Basilica, the museum and the market.

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