Monday, July 7, 2014

Volcán Poás, los jardines de la Paz, FIFA y la Isla de Tortuga

I had a very busy but very fun-filled weekend!

On Saturday, we went to volcán Poás which is another volcano. On the way there, we stopped for some coffee at a plantation which was probably the best coffee I have ever had! I forget the name of it now, but coffee that grows in high altitude is supposed to be one of the best.

When we got to the top of the volcano, we found ourselves in another cloud so we didn't have many views except for whiteness.

The cool part of the day, though, was going to los jardines de la Paz where there are 4 waterfalls and a zoo full of animals. I even got to hold a toucan and a snake! We also saw a lot of other pretty birds, butterflies, monkeys, jaguars, frogs, humming birds, ocelots, and probably others I can't remember.

We saw these white cows that are the national animal of Costa Rica and represent the hard work that the farmers do here. They were very pretty and wore a special head dress. The driver uses a stick to guide them as they pull plows or other things. Putting the stick up on the harness means to go forward, putting the stick on their noses means reverse, and leaning the stick on the harness means park.

We got to try some "agua dulce" which is a sweet tea and a pastry that tasted like flan, but not quite. They were both very delicious.

There was a garden full of humming birds and I saw probably a million different kinds. The butterfly room was also very impressive with all of its flowers. I was scared of the snake room, but when the keeper took one out to hold, I knew I would regret not taking the opportunity.

The most impressive part of the gardens were the 4 waterfalls all in a row. We saw some of the most breath taking views and had to keep going down sets of stairs to get closer. What we didn't realize, though, is that once you go down, you have to come back up. Our thighs were killing us when we got back to the top.

On Sunday, we went on a cruise off of the pacific to la Isla de Tortuga, or turtle island. It's called that for the shape it has as you approach it. I was in heaven that day! The ship had a pool on it that me and my friend Robin had to ourselves because everyone else was to shy to come in until much later in the trip. Servers walked around with fruit to serve us and they also served ceviche, which was so delicious! It's one of my favorites.

On the island, they served us lunch which was fish with a really good sauce I've never had before, barbecue chicken, rice, potatoes, salad and white wine. They also gave us warm rice pudding, which I love!

We got to land and wanted to snorkel, but because there had been an earth quake earlier and visibility in the water was low, they cancelled it. We wanted to try something new, so we did the banana boat instead, which was so much fun! They connect the banana boat to a speed boat and take sharp turns to knock you in the water. Next, we played beach volleyball with some ticos, went swimming in the ocean, had coconut water and laid on a raft to finish the day. We also swam in the pool on the boat deck on the way back. It was such a beautiful day!

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