Wednesday, July 8, 2009

first day of classes

Today was my first day of classes. Yesterday I took a test to see what level I would be in and I found out I’m in level C. It’s the middle level and where the most kids are that are from the U.S. The classes are pretty easy and I can understand most of what my professors say. They handed us an events schedule, and the day we are going out for tapas is the Kassie’s and my birthday! At school, first I have grammar class. Today we pretty much reviewed, or at least I already knew most of the stuff he was teaching us. We had a short break so we went to the vending machines which are a little different from the ones back home. You enter the money in a different way; I don’t know exactly how to describe it though. It is also cold inside the vending machine even though it looks similar to a vending machine with the clear glass so you can see chips and stuff. I got tex-mex Doritos, a flavor I never heard of before, and they were cold. They also came with a prize inside. It was a scratch off ticket, but I didn’t win. Next, we had culture class. The professor told us about interesting places to visit in the city. Some of the museums sounded cool so I think I’ll go one day. Finally, we had conversation class. Today we just went around and said a little about ourselves. He said tomorrow we’re going to talk about trips we have taken. I’m excited about that because I’ve been a lot of places.
After school, some girls and I went to the Plaza Mayor for lunch. I had these potatoes that were similar to potato salad, a ham and cheese tortilla, and bread. I got some really good ice cream afterwards. It’s creamier than the ice cream in the U.S. and doesn’t get freezer burn. It was pretty good, but tonight the Italians want to go to Burger King so I’m going to go too. Next, we went to the beach! The beach is on a river, but it has sand and nice water. Me and my friends got tans and waded in the water. A lot of the women there weren’t wearing tops so we just tried not to look. Most of the guys wore speedos too. They do some weird stuff but we just keep to ourselves. Even though we don’t do weird stuff like that, they always seem to stare at us.
Tonight we’re going to go to a bar to have some tapas. The Italians are going to the disco. That’s the only place they want to go, they always get so excited about it. It’s pretty far from our house though so some of us aren’t going. They also don’t have a lot of water for me to drink, it’s mostly alcohol and I don’t want to be half gone in a city I know nothing about. Hasta Luego!

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