Tuesday, July 21, 2009

new people and michael jackson back from the dead

After the Italians left us, a few new students came. We have 2 Irish girls, 2 French boys, and an English boy. The Irish girls are really nice and always pronounce their “T’s” at the end of words. The French boys can’t understand us when we speak too fast but they speak pretty good English. The English boy, Olie, has the best accent ever and I just like to sit and hear him talk. We went out with them the other night and talked about all of our cultural differences.
Me and Gabby also went on a walk yesterday by the river and took pictures on a play ground. We saw where homeless people live under the bridges. Valladolid also has a science center, just like the ones at home. I don’t know if I’ll have time to visit it or not, but it’d be really cool to see. They have a McDonald’s by it, so we decided to see how it was. It was the nicest McDonald’s I’ve ever seen. It had really modern furniture with stainless steel trim around pretty wood. Here, they call McDonald’s the “basura”, or garbage can. I think that’s why they decorate it so nice here, so people will come. In the states, we don’t care what a McDonald’s looks like. If we see the golden arches, we’ll flood the place. After, we got a pastry near the Plaza Mayor. This shop has my favorite thing, it’s called a “neopolitina”, and I know they have them at Panera. Here, they heat them up before they serve them to you so the chocolate is melted.
Today we went to the beach for a while to get some sun. Almost everybody from our group came so it was really fun. This one girl keeps trying to hang out with us though and she’s really annoying. We call her Michael Jackson because she really looks like him a lot, it’s scary. But she’s coming with us to Santander for the whole weekend so I’m not really looking forward to that. I’m just glad she’s not staying in my room. I’m going to bed early tonight because I was falling asleep in class today. Buenas Noches.

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